Ngoma / DDT Job Listings

Summer DanceLab Work-Study Staff – 1-4 Week Tenure – Non-Paid Internship + Classes (Open until filled)
Experience the thrill and rewards of interning with Ngoma Center for Dance. Whether you’re a high school graduate looking for summer employment, or a college or graduate student seeking a substantive internship supporting the arts in D.C., there’s no limit as to how far our opportunities can take you. At Ngoma Center for Dance, you’ll have the opportunity to gain insight into a budding dance organization, explore new career avenues and acquire lifelong skills.
Summer DanceLab 2020 (Jun 15 – Jul 11th, 2020) provides an opportunity to train in a professional environment and dance for eight hours a day, learning from our quality staff and Dissonance Dance Theatre company members.
Staff handle student traffic during before and aftercare, and lunch times. Work times start at 7:00am ending at 6:30pm. Staff have varying schedules due to scheduled time by manager. Staff take intensive once students are in classes.
Interested work-study candidates must be at least 19 years old, with Work Study Manager candidates being at least 22 years of age. Please complete our questionnaire for consideration.
Are you on LinkedIn of Indeed? Ngoma Center for Dance posts internships, part-time, full-time positions also on our LinkedIn page and Indeed page.